
When to Call in Faucet Repair Services

Faucets are used constantly, so they’re bound to wear down over time. If left unattended, faucet problems can escalate into other more severe issues.

Faucet Repair

Handy professionals can quickly address spitting, spraying, or irregular water flow, saving you money on plumbing bills and potential damage. Visit to learn more.

Effective repairs start with knowing the type of faucet you have. The plumbers on Handy have experience with a variety of faucet designs.

A leaking faucet may seem like a minor inconvenience but over time it can lead to expensive problems. Dripping faucets waste water and can increase your household water bill. If ignored, a leaky faucet can eventually cause more serious plumbing issues throughout the house and damage your foundation. Luckily, most dripping faucets can be easily repaired with some effort from the homeowner. However, sometimes at-home fixes fail and it’s important to know when to call in a professional.

Washers are often the first part to wear out and start dripping, especially if you’re rough with your plumbing or over-tighten your handles. This is because the washer rests against the valve seat and over time the constant friction can cause it to wear out or break. Also, the washer can become damaged if it’s not the correct size or is inserted incorrectly.

The cartridge is the part that controls water flow into the spout. It can be corroded by sediment, worn down by continuous use or simply worn out from age. Once the cartridge is damaged, it will most likely need to be replaced. The best way to replace it is by removing the handle, securing it with a screw, and then using pliers to remove the packing nut. The next step is to replace the O-ring, which is easy to do once you know how (the replacement should be an exact match). You can also bring your old O-ring to a hardware store to ensure you’re purchasing the right size.

Once you have the new O-ring installed, the stem valve can be reassembled with the handle and decorative cap. Turn the water back on and check for leaks. If a drip continues, it’s time to contact your plumber for professional repair. It’s also a good idea to have your plumber inspect the entire plumbing system for leaks and other issues, which can be much more costly if left unattended.


Your sink faucets are in constant contact with water, so it’s no surprise that they can experience a lot of corrosion over time. Corrosion is the natural process by which certain metals react with oxygen and moisture, resulting in a degradation of their surface. In the case of faucets, this can manifest as rust and other problems that can make them less functional.

Most commonly, faucets corrode due to hard water. The minerals in hard water tend to build up on faucets and other surfaces that they come into contact with, which can lead to a white residue or film that’s often called scale. This residue can be very difficult to remove and may cause your faucets to look dull or discolored. It’s also possible for these deposits to clog your pipes, leading to low or no water flow at all.

Other causes of a corroded faucet include sediment buildup and the deterioration of various components over time, including seals, washers, or valve seats. In some cases, a faucet may simply be worn out, which can also result in leaks.

One of the biggest concerns with corroded faucets is that they can create corrosive water in your home. This can happen when copper, zinc, or lead particles break off of the pipes and contaminate the water that’s flowing through them. This can have a negative impact on your health and can damage the plumbing system in your home.

Corroded faucets can be an eyesore, but they’re also a sign that it’s time to call a plumber for professional faucet repair services. A plumber can thoroughly clean your faucets to remove any surface corrosion and get them looking like new again. They can also replace any worn parts, such as O-rings or washers, which may be contributing to the problem. In severe cases, you may need to replace your entire faucet assembly. This can be an expensive and time-consuming project, but it’s essential to protect your health and the longevity of your plumbing systems.


It’s easy to take your faucets for granted until something goes wrong. When that happens, it can put a real damper on your day-to-day activities. A dripping faucet can ruin a good night’s sleep, and it can prevent you from getting ready for an important job interview or from preparing a meal for a large family gathering. Fortunately, a simple call to the local plumber can solve the problem and restore your peace of mind.

Your pipes may be clogged with sediment. Sediment is a residual compound that forms inside your hot water pipes. It typically consists of a mix of rust, hard water minerals, silt, clay, and dirt. It typically comes from soil erosion or decomposition of plants and animals. Wind, water, and ice often carry these particles to rivers, lakes, streams, and reservoirs that supply public and well water systems. These particles then travel to the homes served by those water lines. The rust and sediment can often leave behind a brownish tint on the water.

If you have a dripping faucet, the first thing you need to do is flush your water lines. This will help get rid of the sediment and restore proper water flow. However, if your water has a brownish tint, it could mean that there is an issue with the municipal water line or even the well water tank. This is another reason that it is always a good idea to hire the services of a professional plumber instead of taking on such a big project yourself.

The outlet and inlet seals of your faucet can also wear out over time, which will cause the faucet to leak. To fix this, you can replace the seals or have a plumber clean out the mineral buildup on the seals. Additionally, loose parts such as packing nuts and adjusting rings can restrict the movement of the valve stem or cartridge. To fix this, you can tighten the screws or replace them altogether. It’s a good idea to buy and keep a spare set of these parts so that you can quickly change out damaged components when needed.

Loose Parts

Sometimes a dripping faucet is simply the result of loose parts. Over time, the washers, O-rings, and valve seat can loosen or wear out, which means they are no longer able to form a tight seal. If a plumber disassembles your faucet, they can inspect these components for damage and tightness. They may also suggest replacing them if necessary to fix the leaking problem.

A dripping faucet can waste water and money. In some cases, it can even lead to serious water damage and pose health risks from mold growth. This is why it’s important to contact a professional plumber to diagnose and repair the problem as soon as possible.

Changing out parts can be done on a DIY basis, but some issues need the help of an experienced plumber. For example, if your leaking faucet is caused by corrosion in the valve seat, it requires the skills of a plumber to remove and replace it.

Other issues that require the attention of a professional include changes in water pressure or broken pipes. These types of problems are typically more severe and need to be addressed by a professional.

Some of the most common DIY faucet repair projects involve replacing worn out O-rings, washers, or valve seat. If you’re planning to tackle this project yourself, be sure to shut off your water supply before beginning. You should also have a bucket or towel nearby to catch any water that spills while you’re working. In addition, it’s a good idea to take photos or draw yourself a diagram of your faucet before you begin disassembling it. This will help you return the parts in the correct order and reduce the chance of future leaks. In addition, you should thoroughly clean the parts as you remove them to prevent mineral buildup and to ensure that they are free of loose debris. It’s also a good idea to use a penetrating oil, like WD-40, to loosen any stuck or corroded screws or nuts. This will help you get the job done faster and more easily.


Why Septic Tank Repair Is Necessary

Everything that goes down your drains or is flushed into toilets ends up in the septic tank. This includes chemicals and household waste that shouldn’t enter the system, like pharmaceuticals, oil, paint, and antifreeze.

Septic Tank Armadale is vital for protecting your home and its natural environment. Luckily, many problems can be repaired fairly inexpensively. 

septic tank

The drain lines in your home carry wastewater away from sinks, toilets, and tubs. They all connect to a huge main sewer line that leads to your septic tank or leach field. If this line becomes clogged, it could affect your home’s plumbing systems.

Most clogged drains are caused by objects that get stuck in the pipe. These items include soap scum, laundry lint, slimy bacteria, and small rocks or other debris that can’t pass through the pipes. Over time, these materials build up into a solid mass that blocks the entire pipe.

Other causes of septic system drain clogs are grease, food scraps, paper products, and pet waste. Fats and oils may seem liquid when you pour them down the drain, but they quickly clump into a clog that stops water flow. To avoid these problems, always dispose of grease in a separate container. Then, put the container in the trash for proper disposal.

Another common cause of clogged drains is a broken septic tank or septic system component. If you’re concerned about your septic system, have the tank inspected by a professional. They’ll be able to tell you whether the problem is with your septic tank or the pipe between it and your house.

Call a plumber immediately if you notice sewage backing up into your drains. They’ll be able to locate the problem and make the necessary repairs.

Occasionally, you’ll encounter a clog requiring extra elbow grease to remove. If you don’t want to call in a plumber, try using hot water, baking soda, and vinegar. This can break up most clogs without the need for expensive equipment.

A septic tank that needs to be repaired can also result from an outdated or undersized system. If your family has grown and you’re overusing the septic tank, upgrading the system as soon as possible is important. This will prevent the tank from becoming too full and overflowing. It will also help reduce your home’s waste and ensure the system works as efficiently.

If sewage backs up into drains, you have a serious problem that immediately requires professional attention. Sewage is a dangerous and unhealthy substance and can easily spread harmful bacteria throughout your home. If you suspect a septic tank problem, you should call a local plumber immediately to ensure that it is dealt with before it worsens.

Leak lines are one of the most common problems with septic tanks. This can be caused by various things, including overflow from the tank or cracked and broken pipes. This is why it’s important to have a septic system that is properly maintained and regularly inspected by a certified professional.

A leaking septic tank will cause wastewater and sewage to leak into your yard. This can lead to health hazards and expensive repairs, so getting a septic system repair company in as soon as possible is important to fix the issue.

Another reason for a leaking septic tank is that the leach field is failing or saturated with water. If this happens, sewage will go back into your drains, damaging your home’s plumbing, groundwater, surface water, and soil.

You can avoid this problem by only flushing human waste and toilet paper down the drains, having your septic system inspected annually, and parking vehicles and heavy machinery away from the leach field. If the leach field cannot handle the amount of wastewater sent there, it may need to be replaced, which is an expensive repair.

The inlet baffle from the house to the septic tank is also a common failure point. If this fails, it will take longer for drains to empty, and the wastewater won’t be filtered as it should be. Usually, this is an easy fix that a service professional can do for a relatively low cost.

Concrete septic tanks are less likely to crack, but extreme weather and soil conditions can still damage them. Typically, repairs to these tanks are more costly than repairs to plastic ones because they require more labor and time to replace parts.

The purpose of your septic system leach field is to absorb wastewater into the soil after it’s been broken down by bacteria in your septic tank. If the area around your septic tank, drain lines, and toilets is wet, mushy, or even has standing water, this can indicate a problem with your leach field.

A damaged leach field can result in sewage backup, flooding, and other costly repairs to your home. To prevent this, you should divert water runoff from your yard and gutters away from the septic tank, drains, septic leach field, and other pipes in your septic system. This can be done by installing a rainwater catchment system or directing the runoff into the yard or landscaping beds, where it will soak rather than in the pool.

You should also regularly check your leach field’s condition to ensure it is working as it should. If your leach field isn’t absorbing the wastewater properly, you may need to replace it. If your family’s household size has increased, you might need to upgrade the size of your septic tank as well.

Leach field problems can be caused by many factors, including a failure to have your septic tank pumped regularly, putting too much waste down the drains, using garbage disposal excessively, or using too much water at once. A failing leach field can also result from disconnection or crack in a line from the septic tank to the drain field or a ruptured leach pipe.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to call a professional for septic tank repair as soon as possible. Performing these repairs in the early stages can save you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacement costs. Avoid costly septic tank repair by having your system inspected and pumped regularly, usually every 2-3 years. You can also keep your septic system in good shape by only flushing human waste and toilet paper, not dumping grease into the drains, and having your tank pumped as needed.

The septic tank is vital to the home, and if it gets full or overflows, you will need professional septic tank repair. Usually, the problem is not in the tank itself but rather with the plumbing from the house. Some of it is easily fixed, like clogged vents or sewer lines, but the septic tank itself is a whole different ball of wax and requires an expert eye to see when there is an issue.

The first thing to do if the septic tank starts overflowing is to turn off all the water in the house. This will stop the flow and prevent more sewage from entering the home, keeping it clean and safe for everyone in the family. You should also only use the toilets or showers once the tank is emptied and the issue is resolved. Showering at a friend’s or neighbor’s home or going to a laundrette are all good options until you can get the situation under control.

Another reason a septic tank may overflow is if the solid waste needs to be properly disposed of in the home. Many must realize that toilets are not trash cans, and flushing items like dental floss, disposable diapers, feminine hygiene products, or cooking grease can be a big mistake. These things can clog drain pipes and throw off the delicate microorganisms in the septic tank, making it fill up prematurely.

If you are experiencing a septic tank overflow, it is important to call a service provider as soon as possible to have the tank emptied and the plumbing checked. They can determine if the problem is something you can fix or if the tank needs to be replaced altogether.

If you are experiencing frequent repairs, it is probably a good idea to replace the septic tank completely. This is because frequent repairs are usually more expensive than replacing the system. This is especially true if the tank overflows regularly, which can lead to a very costly mess.


The Importance of Pipes in Plumbing

The science of plumbing is used in various applications to convey fluids. This field involves using pipes, valves, fittings, tanks, and other apparatuses to transport fluids. Besides pipes, fittings, and tanks, plumbing includes other types of water and sewage systems. To learn more about plumbing, please read this article. After reading this article, you will be able to understand the basics of plumbing.


Regardless of your level of knowledge of plumbing, there are several things that you should know before doing any work in your home. Cross connections are one of the most common causes of contamination in your plumbing. If not properly protected, these connections can lead to contaminated water and, therefore, unusable for drinking. Some common examples of cross connections include garden hoses that are left in chemicals or attachments to lawnmowers. Whether or not these connections are present in your home will depend on the plumbing in your home.

The most basic plumbing system consists of pipes and valves. It also includes fixtures and tanks for water distribution. Plumbing systems can also include a vent, a storm drain, a sanitary sewer, and special waste like grease. Despite the name, plumbing systems are essential to everyday life. The word “plumbing” comes from the Latin word ‘plumbing,’ which means lead. Plumbing systems are comprised of many different parts, including wastewater, drinking water, and garbage disposal.

Another important part of your plumbing system is the piping itself. It can be made of different materials, including steel or iron. Iron pipes are often galvanized so that they don’t rust or corrode. The best method for protecting your plumbing system is to flush it regularly. Make sure to flush it regularly to remove any built-up residue that might be clogging your pipes. The more water you have in your plumbing system, the greater the risk of corrosion.


In simple terms, plumbing is the process of conveying fluids in a home or building. Various devices and pipes are used in plumbing. These include pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks, and other apparatuses. Here, we’ll examine the importance of pipes in plumbing. But what are the other tools that plumbing uses? And how do they work? Here are some tips to help you understand the purpose of pipes in plumbing.

ABS pipe: This type of pipe is used primarily for drain and vent lines and is slightly softer than PVC. It contains BPA, a chemical used to harden the plastic. Although BPA has gotten a bad reputation, the Food and Drug Administration has deemed it safe. ABS pipes are easy to connect because they bond instantly with special cement. This is an advantage over PVC since you don’t have to use primer on ABS pipes before connecting them.

Steel: Another important advantage of steel pipes is that they last for many years. They are also extremely durable and do not release VOCs. In addition, steel pipes do not need to be painted or varnished. They’re also non-combustible, so they’re better for the environment. But you should still check the manufacturer’s warranty before you buy steel pipes for your home. You’ll be happy to know that they’ll last for decades.


Plumbing systems are not complete without fittings. Elbows, for example, are crucial components. They allow pipes to change flow direction and diameter. These fittings are essential for all types of plumbing systems and are available in various materials. Some elbows are threaded and threadless, while others are sweated and threadless. An elbow can also be a tee with a bend. You can find elbows made of ABS plastic, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chrome-plated brass, copper, and malleable metal.

A tee is a type of fitting with a T-shaped inlet and two outlets. It is often used to join two separate pipes while allowing water to flow from one into the other. Tees are available in copper, ABS, CPVC, stainless steel, and galvanized. Their corresponding sizes are determined by the size of the “run” and the “side outlet” of the fitting.

Some types of fittings are threaded, while others are made of plastic or metal. The type of threaded fitting you choose will depend on the type of pipe you have. Many of them have restrictions on the type of materials they can handle. For example, a flange can only connect two pipes together if the threaded ends match. But it is possible to use caps and plugs together to join two pipes with different threads and sizes.


A variety of valves are used in piping arrangements. The various types of valves can be operated manually or by an actuator, such as a pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical motor. In any case, it is vital for engineers to know the different types of valves and the correct use of each. Proper valve adjustment is crucial to achieving success and preventing costly downtime. A ball valve is commonly used in piping systems to provide bi-directional isolation.

A globe valve has a sphere-like body and is used in many plumbing systems. It regulates water flow by raising and lowering a plug at its stem extremity. The plug pressurizes a fixed ring seat or aperture and controls the flow. Globe valves are usually found in outdoor faucets and utility faucets. A pressure relief valve, also known as a pressure balance valve, is another type of valve that can be used in plumbing systems.

Another type of valve is the Y-type. This type is widely used in high-pressure services, such as air-conditioning and ventilation systems. The stem and seat are angled 45 degrees toward the axis of the pipe, preventing high-pressure drop. These valves also allow for high-temperature liquids and gases to flow. They also avoid thermal blinds due to their flexible design. They are also easy to install, maintain, and repair.

Regulation of water consumption

As urban water conservation has become more of a concern, the water industry has lobbied for national standards in the 1980s. In 1992, 17 states adopted minimum water efficiency standards for plumbing products. While the Water Policy Act has prompted ribbing, it has also saved taxpayers billions of dollars and conserved water resources. Here’s how the Water Policy Act has helped the plumbing industry:

The Energy Policy Act of 1975 (EPACT) mandated that the water consumption of plumbing fixtures be measured and reported. The Act has already cost manufacturers millions of dollars in manufacturing costs. In addition, H.R. 623, a bill passed in the House of Representatives, set water efficiency standards for plumbing products. However, despite these benefits, some people question the necessity of such laws. But, while promoting water efficiency is important for American citizens and the environment, many critics believe that water regulations are unnecessary.

In 2010, it became the eighth state to adopt updated plumbing standards. Each of these states has adopted stricter standards than federal requirements. Despite its efforts, the Department of Energy still has not updated federal standards for plumbing products. That is why the Department of Energy granted states a waiver in 2010 that allowed them to adopt stricter standards than the federal standards. The state standard for toilets, for example, is 1.28 gpf.

Job security

Plumbing is one of the fastest-growing careers in the country, with jobs projected to increase by 21% between 2012 and 2022 nationwide. From 2012 to 2022, 386,900 plumbing jobs will more than double, increasing to 450,000. That’s a lot of potential job security for those who want a career in plumbing. Plumbing services will always be needed, and there is no way to outsource these jobs overseas for lower labor costs.

While the job outlook for most occupations is fairly predictable, plumbers should expect higher than average job growth over the next several years. According to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for plumbing is 21 percent higher than the average for all occupations. The expected job growth is attributed to the growing construction industry, and new water efficiency standards are being implemented in cities. So, despite the relatively low growth rates in the plumbing field, job security in plumbing is likely to remain high.

Job security in plumbing is also related to the nature of the job. Some plumbers may enjoy more job security than others, but AI will never be a threat to their jobs. Even if robots and artificial intelligence (AI) take over more plumbing jobs, the physical aspects of the job will remain beyond the capabilities of most machines. Plumbing jobs require expertise and judgment, and a plumber is an expert in both. This makes them more valuable than other plumbing jobs.


When to Call an Emergency Plumber

If your home is experiencing a plumbing emergency, the first thing you should do is to call an emergency plumber. An emergency plumbing service will be fully prepared to deal with any type of plumbing emergency. The company will have everything they need on-hand to fix your problem, and they will be able to come to your home quickly to limit water damage. You may even be able to save money on the repairs if you call an experienced company right away.

While calling an emergency plumber is never a good idea, you can learn to spot some common plumbing emergencies, and you can choose a plumber who specializes in emergencies. The best way to know if you’ll need to call an emergency plumbing service is to be prepared for a plumbing emergency, or you can wait until you’re ready. A clogged drain, for example, can shut off water to your home for several hours, which could cause more damage than you think.

An emergency plumber will come to your home quickly, and the best way to avoid a long wait is to make regular visits to check your plumbing. The cost of an emergency plumbing service is generally less than a standard plumber’s service. The main benefit of an emergency plumber is that they will be able to minimize damage caused during a plumbing emergency. This could result in thousands of dollars of damages, so it’s worth spending a little extra money for a 24-hour plumber.

An emergency plumber will be able to come to your home and get the job done quickly. Often, emergency plumbers charge slightly more than a standard plumber, but it will save you a lot of money in the long run. During an emergency, it’s best to call an emergency plumber for assistance. A reputable 24-hour plumber will be licensed and have background checks, ensuring your safety and the safety of your home. If you’re unsure of how to handle a plumbing emergency, call a professional to guide you through the process.

If your home has a plumbing emergency, you’ll need to call an emergency plumber. A plumber who is able to repair a broken pipe quickly will be more likely to charge less for an emergency. Nonetheless, it’s important to find a plumber who is reliable and has a reputation for providing excellent customer service. If the problem is not minor, you may be able to find a cheaper emergency plumbing service if you’re willing to do some comparison shopping.

A plumbing emergency can be dangerous if you’re not prepared for it. A professional plumber will be able to assess the damage in your home and make repairs immediately. Although emergency plumbing services are more expensive, they can save your life and prevent a potential catastrophe. They’ll arrive quickly and fix your plumbing problem so you can continue living normally. You can also contact an emergency plumber for emergency service if you’re unsure of the extent of the problem.

An emergency plumbing service can be costly, but the cost can be worth it in the long run. Often, a plumbing emergency will result in extensive water damage, which can be extremely expensive. Having an emergency plumbing service available at all hours will help you minimize damage and minimize stress. It’s best to call an emergency plumber in the first place if your emergency is a bit more complex. In addition to saving money, an emergency plumber can also help you with a plumbing emergency.

If you’re not able to fix the problem yourself, an emergency plumber can help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible. While a plumber may charge you a few dollars more for an emergency plumbing service, this small investment will help you save a lot of money in the long run. The plumbing service will be able to help you out quickly if the problem isn’t something more serious. Ensure that you don’t end up having a water leak if you’re not prepared for it.

An emergency plumber can be very expensive, but it is worth it if you can’t wait until a plumbing emergency is a huge issue. Taking action early will save you money in the long run, and an emergency plumber can help you avoid having to pay a large fee later. If you can’t wait, call an expert plumber as soon as possible, because you may not be able to fix the problem yourself, and it could cost you a lot of money.